The FCA Advantage

Cutting through the complexity of integrating diverse security architectures and elements
  • Deep knowledge of all aspects of security
  • Comprehensive approach honed with hundreds of projects
  • Vendor neutral and independent
  • One to one interaction with true experts

The FCA Value Proposition

We build converged strategies and architectures that satisfy the safety and security needs of complex systems in the context of their organizations.

As stakeholders drive integration and cost requirements, a future state that satisfies safety and security needs of all parties becomes mission critical. The increased connectivity, rapid deployments of innovative and disruptive technologies and increasing need for real-time interaction between systems and mechanisms, have increased the number and sources of threats to complex systems, the vulnerabilities in many of those systems, and the consequences of protection failures.

We develop strategy and architecture roadmaps that apply well-developed and proven decision-making frameworks to address the increased risks without disrupting the high-valued processes that are critical to mission success. And when no available technology or methodology will get the job done, we undertake advanced research and development to create the capability our customers need.

FCA is dedicated to:

Specialized Technical Expertise: We are not generalists; we are experienced security specialists with deep knowledge of the enterprise security environment.

Vendor Neutrality: FCA is strictly vendor neutral - we work for our customers, not the vendors. FCA exists to provide our customers with realistic cost-effective approaches. "Pay for play", vendor marketing hype, and FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt) are all antithetical to that goal. Our promise to our clients is that the intelligence, analysis, and research we provide lives up to the highest standard of integrity and quality.

Real Advice and Counsel: FCA provides custom, detailed, and trustworthy guidance in the security space. Every customer's situation is unique. Our attention to detail provides you the guidance you need to understand how various proposed solutions will deliver the required results in your environment.