Strategic Security Intelligence
Fred Cohen


Simulator is a collection of custom simulation and analysis tools that allow the user to analyze situations by simulating them. The built-in content and metrics are accessed via a web interface into which queries are put. The queries are run through simulation mechanisms to generate sets of metrics that are then reported via the Web interface. The whole thing operates from a customized White Glove CD.

To run Simulator from the CD, boot from the CD, enter X11 (with startx), and type:

This will bring up all of the Simulator functions on all available network interfaces.

To test the simulators on your working White Glove Simulator system, use the following URLs from your X11 web browser. NOTE: THESE ONLY WORK FROM A WHITE GLOVE SYSTEM RUNNING THE SIMULATOR.

This page also provides a convenient way to access these simulation engines from the on-CD manual.

For more details on programming the simulators and making your own simulations with them, press here.