Files That Should Be Controlled

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No account has a '.rhosts' file unless it is critical to operation and if accounts do have those files, they only reference computers within the same physical perimiter as the machine contianing the.
There are no '.exrc' files on your system that have no legitimate purpose and the contents of all .exrc' files are periodically checked to assure that no Trojan horses are contained in them.
There are no '.forward' files on this system. Mail forwarding is handled entirely by the mail 'aliases' file.
The '/etc/rc.local' script does NOT chmod 666 motd or alter any other files in undesired ways.
The '/etc/rc.local' script does "rm -f /tmp/t1" to clean up the temporary file used to create /etc/motd before starting daemons.
Your version of '/usr/lib/expreserve' is more recent than July 1993 or is protected in mode 400.
All external file systems are mounted non-setUID and read-only or not mounted at all.
All programs run by and files interpreted by Root are owned by Root, are not world or group writable and are located in a directory where every directory in the path is owned by Root and is not group or world writable.
The following files have had their contents checked and every program and command they use have been checked for propriety: /etc/rc* /.login /.profile /.exrc /.logout 'crontab' entries and 'at' entries
ALL non-setuid files and ALL non-setgid files and directories that are world readable but not world or group writable and that are normally owned by bin are now owned by Root, with group id 0 (wheel group under SunOS).
Tiger is run on a regular basis and all resulting messages are understood and verified to be correct on every run.
COPS is run on a regular basis and all resulting messages are understood and verified to be correct on every run.

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