8.0 Plan Testing and Maintenance

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Most incidences addressed in this plan are continuously recurring. Therefore plan testing on a regular basis will not be necessary. Some specific incidences related to the following items do not occur on a regular basis. Plan testing for these items is discussed in this section.

Operational System Incident Control
Essential Processing Resources
Periodic Risk Assessments will test the NRL computing environment to see if it has changed

Data Remanence Control
Clearing Failures
IS Security will periodically review investigation procedures with the equipment re-issuing office

Software Piracy/Illegal Files Control (Note: formal investigations only performed by direction from NRL Commanding Officer)
Licensed Software
IS Security will test the investigation process by performing a check on its own computing resources for unlicensed software using the Software Publishers Association's hard disk checking program.
Illegal Files
IS Security will test the investigation process by performing a check on its own computing resources for illegal files using the Word Perfect viewer application.