File Size Limits and Number of Files Open

File Size Limits and Number of Files Open

Copyright(c) Management Analytics, 1995 - All Rights Reserved

Copyright(c), 1990, 1995 Dr. Frederick B. Cohen - All Rights Reserved


File sizes are limited by the operating system to prevent runaway files and limit domination of resources. In systems with inadequate disk space, it is common for users to preallocate large amounts of space for themselves using large files. When system space is low, they can free space for themselves as required.


The real solution to this problem is to provide sufficient space for the users on your system. This will make it unnecessary for them to protect themselves from denial of services.


The Df program can be run to check on the available file space, and the `du' program can be used to generate a recursive listing of space utilization.


If insufficient space is available, you should consider clearing temporary storage areas and log files. If this doesn't yield enough space and purchasing additional space is not an option, you should consider other alternatives. A listing the space used by each user, sorted by most space first and posted for all users to see may induce social pressure for space reduction. Automated programs to look for andor delete automatically generated files such as `core', and intermediate compilation files can help reduce space. Replacing `spaces' with `tab' characters in some text files can save large amounts of space. A file compression system can be used to compress infrequently accessed files. These files can also be moved off-line in some cases. Many other options are possible.