Structure Reduces Complexity

Structure Reduces Complexity

Copyright(c) Management Analytics, 1995 - All Rights Reserved

Copyright(c), 1990, 1995 Dr. Frederick B. Cohen - All Rights Reserved

One of the most important steps toward effective control of a complex system is the introduction of structure. By that I mean that a completely unstructured UNIX environment; where each user is treated differently, each terminal is treated differently, any kinds of files are placed anywhere in the system, etc.; is completely unmanageable. The complexity quickly becomes too high for humans to manage. In a well structured environment, it is always easy to find what you are looking for and put things where they belong.

UNIX file systems have historically been structured according to standards created by the early users, and many of these standards are now so deeply embedded into the UNIX environment that they sometimes seem to be a part of the operating system itself. The most obvious set of standards come from the names of directories: