A Computer Virus

A Computer Virus

Copyright(c), 1984, Fred Cohen - All Rights Reserved

We define a computer 'virus' as a program that can 'infect' other programs by modifying them to include a possibly evolved copy of itself. With the infection property, a virus can spread throughout a computer system or network using the authorizations of every user using it to infect their programs. Every program that gets infected may also act as a virus and thus the infection grows.

The following pseudo-program shows how a virus might be written in a pseudo-computer language. The ":= symbol is used for definition, the ":" symbol labels a statement, the ";" separates statements, the "=" symbol is used for assignment or comparison, the "~" symbol stands for not, the "{" and "}" symbols group sequences of statements together, and the "..." symbol is used to indicate that an irrelevant portion of code has been left implicit.

program virus:=

subroutine infect-executable:=
 {loop:file = get-random-executable-file;
 if first-line-of-file = 1234567 then goto loop;
 prepend virus to file;

subroutine do-damage:=
 {whatever damage is to be done}

subroutine trigger-pulled:=
 {return true if some condition holds}

 if trigger-pulled then do-damage;
 goto next;}

A Simple Virus "V"

This example virus (V) searches for an uninfected executable file (E) by looking for executable files without the "1234567" in the beginning, and prepends V to E, turning it into an infected file (I). V then checks to see if some triggering condition is true, and does damage. Finally, V executes the rest of the program it was prepended to. When the user attempts to execute E, I is executed in its place; it infects another file and then executes as if it were E. With the exception of a slight delay for infection, I appears to be E until the triggering condition causes damage.

A common misconception of a virus relates it to programs that simply propagate through networks. The worm program, 'core wars', and other similar programs have done this, but none of them actually involve infection. The key property of a virus is its ability to infect other programs, thus reaching the transitive closure of sharing between users. As an example, if V infected one of user A's executables (E), and user B then ran E, V could spread to user B's files as well.

It should be pointed out that a virus need not be used for evil purposes or be a Trojan horse. As an example, a compression virus could be written to find uninfected executables, compress them upon the user's permission, and prepend itself to them. Upon execution, the infected program decompresses itself and executes normally. Since it always asks permission before performing services, it is not a Trojan horse, but since it has the infection property, it is still a virus. Studies indicate that such a virus could save over 50% of the space taken up by executable files in an average system. The performance of infected programs would decrease slightly as they are decompressed, and thus the compression virus implements a particular time space tradeoff. A sample compression virus could be written as follows:

program compression-virus:=

subroutine infect-executable:=
 {loop:file = get-random-executable-file;
 if first-line-of-file = 01234567 then goto loop;
 compress file;
 prepend compression-virus to file;

 {if ask-permission then infect-executable;
 uncompress the-rest-of-this-file into tmpfile;
 run tmpfile;}
A Compression Virus "C"

This program (C) finds an uninfected executable (E), compresses it, and prepends C to form an infected executable (I). It then uncompresses the rest of itself into a temporary file and executes normally. When I is run, it will seek out and compress another executable before decompressing E into a temporary file and executing it. The effect is to spread through the system compressing executable files, and decompress them as they are to be executed. Users will experience significant delays as their executables are decompressed before being run.

As a more threatening example, let us suppose that we modify the program V by specifying trigger-pulled as true after a given date and time, and specifying do-damage as an infinite loop. With the level of sharing in most modern systems, the entire system would likely become unusable as of the specified date and time. A great deal of work might be required to undo the damage of such a virus. This modification is shown here:

subroutine do-damage:=
 {loop: goto loop;}

subroutine trigger-pulled:=
 {if year>1984 then return true otherwise return false;}
A Denial of Services Virus

As an analogy to a computer virus, consider a biological disease that is 100% infectious, spreads whenever animals communicate, kills all infected animals instantly at a given moment, and has no detectable side effects until that moment. If a delay of even one week were used between the introduction of the disease and its effect, it would be very likely to leave only a few remote villages alive, and would certainly wipe out the vast majority of modern society. If a computer virus of this type could spread throughout the computers of the world, it would likely stop most computer usage for a significant period of time, and wreak havoc on modern government, financial, business, and academic institutions.